Submission of Texts and Review Procedure

  1. Authors should send their text to the electronic address of the journal in the form set out in the instructions under the section For authors. Authors should send two versions of the text: 1. Its full version to be published, together with all requirements concerning the information about the author or authors, 2. Its anonymized version. It is the responsibility of the authors to anonymize the text in order to minimize the possibility to identify the author or co-authors.
  2. The author will be usually notified within a week that the text has been received.
  3. The editorial board decides whether or not the text will be accepted for review procedure.  The decision is taken on the basis of the judgment of members of the editorial board, and if necessary the editorial board may request a preliminary assessment from external experts.  The author is informed of the result by e-mail usually 21 days after the date when the text was sent to the journal.
  4. The text is passed to the first round of review procedure in its anonymized version.  The text is reviewed by two independent referees who are not from the workplace of the author who sent the text, and who are not members of the executive editorial team.  The referees must decide whether the text should be published without alterations, with alterations (which they specify), or should be rejected on the grounds that it does not meet the standards required of an academic text by the journal Pedagogika.

Referees will assess the text with regard to the following criteria of evaluation:

  • the theme fits the profile of the journal Pedagogika
  • the text fulfils formal requirements
  • the academic standard of the text
  • the originality of the text
  • the recommended length has been respected

If the proposals of the referees differ significantly, the editorial board will usually seek another referee opinion. It may seek a maximum of 4 referee opinions. The editorial board decides on the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript for publication jointly, at regular meetings. The editorial board may also reach the conclusion via electronic communication.

Because the entire review procedure is anonymous, the author communicates with the editor in chief, eventually by the editor in chief authorized member of the technical editorial team. Communication is by electronic post.

  1. The first round of review procedure takes usually three months (from the date of decision to pass the text to review procedure). Within this period the author will be informed of the result of review procedure by the executive editor and will be sent the referees’ evaluations.  If the text has been assessed by two referee evaluations and the editorial board as a text that does not fulfil the criteria for publication in the journal Pedagogika, the review procedure is terminated. If the referees have proposed points for reworking or augmentation, their assessments are sent to the author. If the text has been accepted without changes, the author is notified of the planned inclusion of his/her text in the publication.
  2. If the author is asked to alter or supplement the text, a second round of review procedure takes place. The author has one month in which either to send the acting editor the supplemented or altered text with an accompanying statement on whether and how he/she has made the individual modifications or additions suggested by referees, or else to inform the editor that he/she is withdrawing the text from review procedure or to ask for an extension of the time allowed for changes to the text (a maximum of 6 months from the date of receipt of the comments of the referees).  If the journal editors do not receive any communication from the author within 1 month of sending the comments of the referees, it will be assumed that the author has withdrawn from review procedure and the text can be excluded.
  3. After receiving the altered or augmented text the editorial team will assess it and usually send it to the referees who asked for the augmentation and alteration of the text.  The referees will express their views on whether the text has been properly supplemented/modified. If the referees’ views are positive and they are in agreement with publication of the text, the text is accepted and the author notified of this fact usually within one month of the repeated sending of the text.  At the same time he/she is notified of the approximate date of publication of the text.

If the referees express a negative view of the modified text and do not recommend it for publication in the form sent to them, the second round of the review procedure is terminated.

Note: The journal does not charge article submission/processing charges (APC). The journal allows the authors to hold the copyright without restrictions.