Reviews of Academic Publications

The journal Pedagogika accepts reviews of Czech and foreign monographs, collective monographs, and academic publications including collections from academic conferences, which are of significant value for educational and educational psychological professional discussion.

Reviews analyse publications with an eye to the topicality of the theme and its treatment. The reviewer identifies the basic methodological approach used in treatment of the theme, and the basic intellectual premises and procedures involved in the tackling of the questions that the author(s) seeks to answer.  A review should not be just a description of the main lines of content of the publication, but above all an analysis of the central concepts,  creative techniques, theses and research conclusions presented by the author(s).  Thus a review offers a critical evaluation of the publication in the context of specialist discussion on the particular theme, with a view to identifying interdisciplinary connections.

A review also takes account of the formal and typographic aspects of the publication, its purity of language and comprehensibility.  A review concludes with a summary of the overall conception of the publication and its academic value, recommending it to a specific circle of readers.

The journal does not accept merely descriptive or informational reviews. It does not accept reviews of publication that are marginal from the point of view of value for the field of education and educational psychological discussion.  Not does it accept reviews of publications published more than two years before.  The journal reserves the right to rject reviews if they are of publications that have been reviewed in another academic journal of education and the review does not offer a new view and fundamentally different evaluation of the publication.

A review cotains basic bibliographical data about the publication reviewed, using the norms of citation stipulated for the journal Pedagogika.

A review may be up to 5 standard pages in length (9 000 characters including gaps).

In exceptional cases a contribution to this section of the journal may take the form of the evaluation of the creative activity of an outstanding individual, or an analytical assessment of an important event in the specialist community.