Types of Published Texts

The journal publishes following reviewed studies:

  • theoretical papers, which introduce new theoretical perspectives, critically analyse or compare existing theories
  • historical papers or comparative-historical papers, which focus on reconstruction of changes in the processes of education and educational discourses, their structure, main participants and the role of selected educational institutions, and/or historical-pedagogical comparison and structure of educational discourses
  • review papers, which summarise research on a particular theme in the Czech Republic and abroad
  • methodological papers, which inform about existing and new methodological approaches (their strong and weak points), about shifts in the way traditional methodological problems are tackled, and show how research projects in a particular field of research should be designed
  • research papers, which inform about realized empirical research on a certain theme and which fulfil all the criteria for basic, applied or action research

Reviewed studies comprise approximately 70 % of all published texts and from the perspective of the whole journal, it is more than 80 % of the publication space. Besides reviewed studies, the journal also publishes:

  • Discussion contributions. Discussion among a few authors on an current topic is supported.
  • Reviews of currently published pedagogical publications. Critically-analytical reviews are accepted.
  • Analytical reports on important or current events from the context of pedagogical community.
  • Examples of inspirational practice.
  • Personal data. Contributions referring about life and professional activities of outstanding personalities of pedagogical science are published.