Status of Pedagogika Journal


Legal Status

1)    Pedagogika journal (hereinafter the Journal) is a printed and electronic periodical published by the Faculty of Education, Charles University. Publishing of the Journal has been approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic decision, ISSN 0031-3815 (printed version), ISSN 2336-2189 (online). The Journal is usually published in a quarterly print compilation: in March, June, September and December. The printed version has been published since 1951 as a peer-reviewed periodical. Each issue of the printed Journal is also published in electronic form on the website of the Journal.


Focus and Scope

1)    The Journal aims to be a modern scholarly periodical with academic orientation providing information in the area of upbringing, schooling and education from both national and international perspectives.

2)    Pedagogika Journal fulfils the following aims:

a)    it publishes theoretical, historical, review, methodological and research papers in the fields related to education, it concentrates on wide-scope issues of education, on methodology and theory of educational sciences as well as on conceptual issues of education policy and its consequences; regarding educational sciences, the Journal provides scope for not only traditional disciplines but also for papers from the areas of subject-matter didactics and newly-established fields.

b)    it brings original empirical studies from the fields related to education mentioned above;

c)    it initiates themes for monothematic volumes, critically comments on and analyses current issues of practice in the area of education and educational policy;

d)    it initiates and publishes discussions at expert level;

e)    it brings about analytical reports on specialised professional events of national or international nature;

f)    it publishes expert reviews of publications and other information resources;

g)    the Journal generally consists of an editorial, papers, studies, analytical reports and reviews and/or contributions to discussions on current issues.

3)    a) The Journal is issued at least 5 times a year, one issue always being international. One issue per year is usually monothematic.

b) Articles in national issues are published in Czech or Slovak language, articles in international issues mostly in English, abstracts of the research papers are given in English. If a text is translated in order to be published in print, it is also published in its original language in electronic form.

c) In the peer-review proceedings, each submission aimed to be added to the Papers section (see above II. 2 a), b)) goes through double blind peer review while individual submissions are always reviewed by two independent reviewers. Neither of the reviewers may be an Executive Editor or a member of the same department as the author or the co-authors of the reviewed submission. In the whole course of the peer review proceedings, both the authors’ and reviewers’ anonymity is ensured. In case reviews do not correspond with each other, the editorial team are entitled to seek a third – the so-called supervision review where an independent reviewer can be made familiar with the previous reviews (at the discretion of the editors). The exact rules for the peer review proceedings are described on the Journal website at

d) The Journal publishes exclusively original and previously unpublished texts, which must be substantiated with author’s solemn declaration.

e) Before submitting a text for the peer review, executive editors assess the text in terms of compliance with fundamental criteria for publishing in Pedagogika Journal. The author(s) and executive editors are informed about the non-inclusion of the submission by the Editor-in-Chief.

f) Submissions for the sections Discussion, Reviews and Analytical Reports only go through editorial reading conducted by one of the authorised executive editors.


Target Group of Readers

1)    specialists in the field, particularly teachers in higher secondary schools and higher education

2)    researchers

3)    decision-makers in education

4)    higher education students

5)    those interested in the development of educational sciences


Economic Conditions

1)    The Faculty of Education, Charles University, is responsible for financial management and expenditure operations. Accounting records of costs and revenues are kept in accordance with the legislation.

2)    Draft budget of the Journal is drawn up by the Head of Publishing House, discussed by the Director of National Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief, and submitted for approval by the Faculty of Education Dean by the end of February the latest so that it can be included in the Faculty budget for the particular year.

3)    Issuing of the Journal is financed from the Faculty budget as well as from the income from subscriptions.

4)    Authors of submissions, translators and reviewers of Pedagogika Journal may be rewarded (subject to fulfilling the conditions particularly related to the content and extent of their contribution). The conditions and level of remuneration is decided upon by the Publisher when awarding contracts and placing orders for translations, reviews and authors.

5)    Executive editors may be rewarded (subject to fulfilling the conditions set forth by the Publisher and related to the executive editor job).

6)    Revenues from the Journal subscriptions belong to the Publisher and will be used exclusively to cover costs related to publication of the Journal. The Journal subscription price is proposed by the Head of Publishing and submitted for approval to the National Editorial Board.

7)    Possible termination of the Journal publication may be decided upon by the Publisher (The Faculty of Education UK).


Bodies of the Journal

1)    Three bodies participate in the publication of the Journal at an expert level: a) the International Editorial Board led by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, or the Vice-Dean to whom s/he has delegated this competence; b) the National Editorial Board led by the Editorial Board Director; c) executive editors led by the Editor-in-Chief.

2)    Preparing the Journal for publication as well as the maintenance of the Journal website including electronic publishing are conducted by technical editors.

3)    The Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, or the Vice-Dean to whom s/he has delegated this competence ensure the conditions for the work of the International Editorial Board, National Editorial Board, executive and technical editors, as well as the coordination of activities and control of the results of their work.


International Editorial Board

1)    International Editorial Board of the Journal consists of at least 7 members appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. The Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, or the Vice-Dean to whom s/he has delegated this competence is the Chairman of the International Editorial Board. Except the Chairman, all members of the International Editorial Board are foreigners.

2)    Membership in the International Editorial Board is honorary and unremunerated. The International Editorial Board’s term of office is three years. A member of the Editorial Board may be reappointed for further term/s.

3)    International Editorial Board participates in preparation of the Journal issues in other languages. The Board express their views on the proposals of themes (in case of monothematic issues) as well as on the selection of editors; they suggest possible reviewers of submissions, in case of contested decisions they put forward recommending decisions.

4)    Members of the International Editorial Board are informed on the outcomes of the Journal National Editorial Board meetings, on the activities of executive editors and the publication of the Journal in the previous year as well as on the outlook and on the prospects and aims for the upcoming period of time.

5)    In case of pressing matters, the Chairman of the International Editorial Board is entitled to convene a full session of the International Editorial Board of the Journal.


National Editorial Board

1)    National Editorial Board of the Journal consists of at least 11 members appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. More than half of the Board members are external staff, i.e. they are not employees of the Publisher. The members of the National Editorial Board are always the Chairman of the National Editorial Board, the Dean of the Faculty, the Editor-in-Chief and the First Deputy Editor. Members of the National Editorial Board are nominated by the Chairman of the National Editorial Board appointed and removed by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague.

2)    Membership in the National Editorial Board is honorary and unremunerated. The National Editorial Board’s term of office is three years. A member of the Editorial Board may be reappointed for further term/s.

3)    National Editorial Board usually holds sessions once a year in order to evaluate the previous year of publication of the Journal and to discuss the concepts for the upcoming period of time. Their conclusions are recommendatory in character.

4)    In case of pressing matters, the Chairman of the International Editorial Board or the Faculty Dean are entitled to convene an extraordinary sitting of the National Editorial Board of the Journal.

5) The management of the Faculty of Education and the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Education are regularly informed on the outcomes of the Journal National Editorial Board meetings by the Chairman of the National Editorial Board.


Executive Editors

1)    The Chairman of the National Editorial Board nominates executive editors including the Editor-in-Chief, the First Deputy Editor and the members of the editorial team to the Dean of the Faculty of Education UK. There are at least 5 executive editors. The executive editors’ term of office is three years. An executive editor may be reappointed for further term/s. An absolute majority of the executive editors are external staff, i.e. they are not employees of the Publisher.

2)    Executive editors of the Journal are led by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief, the First Deputy Editor and executive editors are appointed and removed by the Faulty Dean.

3)    Executive editors meet at least four times a year. In case of pressing matters, these are tackled electronically or by per rollam vote.

4)    Meetings of the executive editorial team are chaired by the Editor-in-Chief or the First Deputy Editor. Editors of monothematic issues and/or other experts may be invited to the meetings of executive editors.

5)    Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the content of individual issues; in case of particular blocks this responsibility may be delegated to the First Deputy Editor, executive editors or other appointed persons.

6)    Executive editors are responsible for the peer review proceedings and for complying with ethical aspects of publishing. The peer review proceedings as well as the ethical aspects of publishing are presented on the Journal websites at

7)    Editor-in-Chief informs the Dean or the appointed Vice-Dean on the activities and intentions of the executive editorial team at least once a year at the meetings of the National Editorial Board.

8)    In the exercise of his/her conduct, the Editor-in-Chief is accountable to the Dean (appointed Vice-Dean), to the International Editorial Board and the National Editorial Board, to whom s/he regularly reports on the work and activities of executive editors and publication of the Journal.

9)    Editor-in-Chief presents proposals concerning changes in the concepts of the Journal and/or the personnel of the executive editorial team to the International Editorial Board and the National Editorial Board.

10)    Editor-in-Chief manages the activities of technical editors.


Technical editors

1)    The Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague is in charge of staffing the technical editorial team. The members of the technical editorial team are always the Editor-in-Chief or the appointed First Deputy Editor, other two executive editors, the Head of Publishing House and a technical and language editor.

2)    The Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, provides conditions in terms of space, resources, personnel and technical support sufficient for the work of technical editors; the Head of Publishing House reports on the efficiency of this provision to the Editorial Board at their annual meetings.

3)    The work and activities of technical editors is led by the Editor-in-Chief on the basis of guidelines and recommendations of the executive editors.

4)    Technical editors are in charge of keeping a database of subscribers of the Journal as well as a database of authors and reviewers. These databases are a property of the Publisher and their maintenance must comply with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act No. 101/2000 Coll. These data must not be used for any other purposes without the consent of the Dean.

5)    Technical editors are in charge of contact with subscribers, preparation of texts for publishing, proof-reading, liaising with a printing office, translations and keeping a database of translators as well as correspondence with them, and compiling administrative data as a basis of conduct for executive bodies.

6)    Technical editors are in charge of the Journal’s websites, they prepare and display materials in electronic form and are responsible for continuous updates of the websites of the Journal. They ensure the increase in the availability of texts on the Internet and their indexing as well as their inclusion in expert databases and search engines.


Technical parameters

1)    The Journal is usually issued in 250 copies. The quantities and terms and conditions of the mailing of the Journal to member organizations are regulated by a binding decision of the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. Information on the changes are registered and updated by technical editors in the database of the Journal subscribers.

2)    The price of the individual issue of the Journal is set by the faculty management. Subscribers who are to receive the Journal at no cost for reasons of its promotion will be determined by the Dean of the Faculty following a consultation with the Editor-in-Chief or other members of the executive editorial team or technical editors, as required.

3)    The Journal is printed on A5 format. The cover as well as the content pages are printed on matt coated paper quality. The number of pages per issue is usually 100 printed pages.


Liability of the Publisher

1)    The Publisher is liable for the contents of the Journal as specified by the Act on the Rights and Liabilities for the Publishing of Periodicals.

2)    The publishing of the Journal is governed by the respective set of laws: the Act on the Rights and Liabilities for the Publishing of Periodicals No. 46/2000 Coll. (Publishing Act) which also amends some Acts specified under Act No. 302/2000 Coll.; Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright and on amendment to certain acts, (Copyright Act), as specified under Act No. 81/2005 Coll.; Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data.

3)    The control of the focus of the Journal is carried out at three levels: at the level of the International Editorial Board, at the level of the National Editorial Board and at the level of executive editors (see also VIII. 10). The focus of the Journal is also commented on by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, or the Vice-Dean to whom s/he has delegated this competence.

4)    The Publisher provides conditions in terms of space, resources, personnel and technical support sufficient to publish the Journal.


Final provisions

1) The Publisher can decide to terminate the publishing of the Journal; the termination of the Journal publishing will be made known to the public in such case.

2) Amendments to this statute can be made solely by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, as the only authorized person.

3) This statute takes effect and becomes valid as of 1st January 2015.

In Prague, 1st May 2015

doc. PaedDr. Radka Wildová, CSc., v. r.
Dean of the Faculty of Education