Middle Vocational School-Leavers and their Transition to the Job Market
middle vocational school-leavers, job market, finding work in fi eld studied, transition to job marketAbstract
This paper deals with selected aspects of the transition of middle vocational school-leavers into the job market. It focuses on comparison of those who specialised in apprentice subjects and those who specialised in “maturita” (more theoretical, academic) subjects over a period of three years since they left school. The goal of the paper is to present information about the results of a survey of middle vocational school-leavers conducted in 2018 on a sample around 1,000 respondents at the National Institute for Education as an important form of feedback on the transition of school-leavers into the job market. Research methods: The research survey is conceived as a longitudinal quantitative questionnaire survey. The 2nd stage of the survey, which is the subject of this article, is focused on the level of success of transition into the job market and finding work in the fi eld studied at school. The results provide information about vocational school-leavers’ critical refl ection on educational and career path, and in particular make it possible to compare the relative level of satisfaction and employment of those who left school after studying apprenticeship disciplines and those who studied “maturita” (more general, academic) disciplines there. The conclusions of the research survey make it possible to identify problems, needs and barriers in the framework of career choice, weak points in education from the point of view of school leavers, and level of readiness for the work market and tertiary education.
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