Word Problem Texts as a Basis for the Development of Reading with Understanding and the Skill to Solve Word Problems
A Survey
word problems, reading comprehension, reading strategies, solving word problems, metacognitionAbstract
The aim of the review study is to provide an overview of research examining the effectiveness of interventions in which, through improving reading comprehension (on the basis of word assignment), efforts are made to improve the ability to solve word problems. The study is based on the assumption that for word problems, which are an example of a highly complex curriculum, the level of reading comprehension may limit access to the use of mathematical skills. At the same time, it turns out that it is necessary to develop not only an understanding of the text as such, but also specific language tools used in word problems. Seven studies of the required type were identified through the ERIC, Scopus, and WOS databases, which were supplemented by one other relevant study. These studies used word problems as a specific type of communication for the development of reading comprehension, by translating (complex) reading strategies into the teaching of mathematics, mostly in primary school pupils. Their other common denominator is an emphasis on the development of metacognition through various forms of scaffolding (concept maps, diagrams, role cards). Seven of the studies showed the positive effects of using word problem texts as a basis for reading development on students' ability to solve word problems. However, the research records are not sufficient, so the study points to possible directions of research in this area. The study shows that word problems can become a means of specific and non-specific reinforcement between the subjects of mathematics and mother tongue.
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