Inclusion of Children with Diabetes Mellitus in Czech Schools
child, diabetes mellitus, inclusion, support measuresAbstract
Main topic: To inform teachers of the issue of children suffering from diabetes mellitus (hereinafter DM), and draw attention to the issue of the inclusion of these children within the Czech school system.
Sequence of interpretation: In the first section of the article, we want to focus on describing the disease and its specific features for school-age children. We also want to look at the biopsychosocial aspect of the disease, which is significantly affected not just by the child’s success in the education process, but also by his or her socialisation and enculturation.
Conclusions: Around 4000 children live with DM in the Czech Republic. The task of the school, besides educating its pupils, is also to provide support and secure their health and safety. It is often the case that employees are not given due training with regard to “standard” and “crisis” care for children with DM, and in practice they do not know what to do. This paper aims to inform professional teachers of the biopsychosocial aspect of DM, which is significantly affected not just by the child’s success within the education process, but also by his or her socialisation and enculturation. The conclusion of the article focuses on providing information to teachers and tutors on how to work with and support children with DM in learning and inclusion in class and school life.
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