Research, Experts, and Politicians – the Strange Life of the Idea of Inclusive Education in the Czech Republic
educational policy, special educational needs, modifiability, inclusion, expertsAbstract
The impact of knowledge from educational research on political decisions is always mediated and affects it if it clearly legitimises it. The legitimacy of the decision is determined by its strong “cognitive foundations”, i.e. by the persuasiveness of the knowledge politicians recognise when that knowledge is in line with societyʼs shared values. The analysis of the introduction of inclusive education in the Czech Republic identified a weak link between the key concept of modifiability and the reference idea of equality of chances. The mediators transmitting the cognitive core of the political decision were not researchers, but the so-called experts emphasising organisational barriers to the education of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools. Their voices were amplified by the media and, as a result, led to the reform, the knowledge core of which has not been used. The cognitive foundations of the change were not challenged with the possibilities and limits of the (cognitive) modifiability of pupilsʼ dispositions and with the concept of innate and unchangeable learning prerequisites. Only the controversy over the abstract humanistic ideal of equality of chances remained on the scene.
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