Towards School Inclusion

Případová studie proměny tří škol


  • Karin Marques



inclusive education, inclusive school, school transformation, multi-case study, IPA


Objectives. Since September 2016, the so-called inclusive amendment, i.e. Decree No. 27/2016 Coll., on the education of pupils with special educational needs, has been in force in Czech schools. The aim of the study is to provide a detailed view of inclusive schools and the process they have gone through. The case study of the transformation of three schools describes the process of change in three different contexts.

Methods. The three most inclusive schools were selected on the basis of measuring inclusion. The source data for the research was narrative and semi-structured interviews with current and former principals of the selected schools, their deputies, some teachers, assistants, parents, and/or representatives of the municipality. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to analyse the data.

Results. The change of the school towards inclusion was based on the transformative leadership of charismatic principals. The respondents from the three schools declared vision, charismatic leadership, values, positive attitudes, and good communication and collaboration to be the grounds for inclusion. The agents of the inclusive schools emphasized having experienced a search for meaning and shared values and a feeling of belonging to the school community.  Gaining the trust of parents and the public and creating conditions for respecting the needs and differences of each child were the necessary steps in the course of the transformation. It was necessary to raise sufficient funds, to work hard and honestly, and to educate and consult.

Conclusions. The areas that the respondents perceived as significant in the transformation of the schools correspond to the key pillars of inclusion. Some aspects of inclusion, such as differentiated instruction, modified didactic strategies, and school outcomes, were not considered or seen as a priority by the schools because they were mentioned only marginally or not at all.

Author Biography

Karin Marques

Mgr. Karin Marques, ředitelka Základní školy Brigádníků v Praze 10, doktorandka na ÚVRV, Pedf UK, dlouhodobě se zabývá školní inkluzí v teorii i praxi


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