Interventions of Czech Educational Policy Compared to Research-Based Findings and Recommendations: The Case of Teaching Qualification Requirements


  • Vladimíra Spilková
  • Irena Reimannová



educational policy, evidence-based approach, qualification requirements, research of the teaching profession, de-professionalisation of teaching, de-qualification amendment, de-professionalisation amendment


The aim of the study is to analyse the approach of Czech educational policy to the qualification requirements for entry into the teaching profession, related to the currently discussed amendment to Act 563/2004 Coll., on educational staff and its controversial § 9a. The investigation of the legislative definition of teaching qualification requirements in this amendment and the process of its debate aims at gaining comprehension and a deeper understanding of the relationship between political decision making and research-based findings and the way they are communicated to politicians.

The main research questions are: (1) What reasons for the reduction of qualification requirements in the de-professionalisation amendment were formulated by the submitter of the amendment – the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and deputies and senators of the Parliament of the Czech Republic? (2) What arguments did politicians – both supporters and opponents of the amendment – present in their statements during the legislative process? (3) What opinions did other actors from the professional and general public express during the amendment debate?

The questions related to the case of the de-professionalisation and de-qualification amendment are followed by more general research questions: (1) How does Czech educational policy approach teaching as a regulated profession with certain occupational roles, the performance of which is regulated and limited? (2) How are research findings and research-based recommendations from the European and national levels used in Czech educational policy and in decision-making processes in the field of the teaching profession?

The study is based on the desk research methodology. Key data sources are: legislation (different versions of the amendment – deputies’ and senators’ copies of the amendment, amendatory proposals, stenographic records of meetings of both chambers of the Czech Parliament), professional and strategic documents (at the national and European levels), documents of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, statements made by other important actors and press releases (professional associations, experts, non-profit organisations, posts on social networks –, and email communication between one of the authors of the article with parliamentary deputies and senators.

The discussion of the results reflects critically on the content and ways of justifying the devaluation of teaching qualification requirements expressed by politicians. The relevance and appropriateness of the main reasons presented by the submitter of the amendment – the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports – and other key legislative actors are evaluated. Furthermore, the extent of the relevant research data and recommendations used in the process of creating the amendment and political decision making in the legal requirements concerning teaching qualifications is assessed.

Author Biographies

Vladimíra Spilková

prof. PhDr. Vladimíra Spilková, CSc.

Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky

Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Pardubice

Studentská 84, 532 10 Pardubice


Irena Reimannová

PhDr. Irena Reimannová, PhD.

 Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky

Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Pardubice

Studentská 84, 532 10 Pardubice


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