Level of Burnout Syndrome and Teachers' View of Distance Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Slovakia
burnout syndrome, COVID-19, teachers, distance learning, cluster analysisAbstract
Aims: The aim of the paper is to identify the level of burnout syndrome of teachers in Slovakia during the distance form of teaching and at the same time to map the experience and experience of teachers during this form of teaching.
Methods: Research methods included the MBI-ED Burnout Syndrome Questionnaire and open-ended questions. The data obtained was analysed through statistical analysis and qualitative coding.
Results: Statistical analysis showed that especially teachers in in grades 6-9 of “basic schools” (where six-to-15-year-olds receive their compulsory education) and secondary school teachers are at risk in terms of burnout syndrome and its further deepening. Qualitative analysis revealed factors that teachers evaluated both positively and negatively during distance learning.
Conclusions: The determinant that affected the exhaustion of teachers during the distance form of teaching was a combination of two factors: a) increasing the complexity of preparation for teaching and b) lack of interest or indifference of students to the teaching process. 19% of teachers suffer from a high degree of burnout in all its factors.
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