Online Learning Assessment and Online Proctoring: A review study
online proctoring, review study, online exams, online education, distance education, online assessmentAbstract
This study focuses on research on the use of online proctoring in online education and its impact on maintaining academic integrity. It presents the results of a content analysis of 36 open peer-reviewed studies from the Web of Science database that address proctoring. The analysis includes not only the benefits of proctoring, such as preventing cheating and enhancing the credibility of results, but also the challenges associated with this method. These challenges include concerns about student privacy and increasing levels of examinee anxiety during proctoring. The study also examines the technological and human factors that may affect the effectiveness of online proctoring. The results of the study highlight the need for a balanced approach to the use of this method and show that the evolution of technology and practices related to student privacy are key considerations for the future of online proctoring in online education. From the experiences described in the analysed studies, it can be recommended to use proctoring in those cases where it provides some advantage to students (e.g. when proving the transparency of an online exam to a future employer, etc.). The study opens the way for further research on this issue and highlights the need to pay attention to the legislative, technical and philosophical aspects of online proctoring. The expert article was written with the financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic within the project of the National Renewal Plan for the Higher Education Sector for 2022-2024 in the specific objective: SC C2 Security of Distance Education.
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