Criteria for Assessment of Articles

Criteria for the Assessment of an Article in the Journal Pedagogika

1. Does the manuscript suit the journal Pedagogika in terms of theme?

See the Focus and Scope section.

2. Compliance with limit on length and suitability with regard to type of article:

  • Is the article suitable in terms of length?
    15–30 standard pages (i.e. 27 000 – 45 000 characters including gaps); large attachments may be included in electronic version.
  • Does the text fall into one of the types of article published in Pedagogika?
    Published articles: theoretical, historical, overview, methodological, based on research project.

3. Criteria of content (their appication and the emphasis placed on them depends on the type of article):

  • Does the text have one main theme?
  • Does the author present the current state of knowledge?
  • Is the chosen theme topical?
  • Are the main arguments persuasive?
  • Is the text terminologically correct and is the terminology chosen consistently used in all parts?
  • Is the sample and methods used described sufficiently fully to enable the research to be repeated?
  • Is the statistical procedure and its interpretation correct?
  • Is the presentation of results comprehensible for potential readers?
  • Does the text have clear conclusions and is the level of generalisation appropriate?

4. Formal criteria:

  • Is the text accompanied by key words and an abstract?
  • Is the text lucidly divided into logically conceived sections with adequate subtitlrd?
  • Is the literature (sources) presented (with citation in the proper conventional form)?  Does the author cite the key domestic and foreign sources? Is the number of citations adequate to the chosen genre and theme?
  • Are the tables well chosen and presented in a clear way?
  • Are the graphs correctly labelled and are they comprehensible?
  • Does the manuscript contain a declaration of the originality of the text and its exclusive submission to the journal Pedagogika? See the section For authors.

5. Referee recommendations and conclusions:

  • Publish the text.
  • Publish after minor modifications specified in the assessment.
  • Return for more serious alterations (specified).
  • Recommend for basic re-working.
  • I am not sure – I recommend a further assessment.
  • I recommend that it be sent to another journal, for example to:
  • I recommend that the text be returned to the author witg the notification that it cannot be published in Pedagogika.