Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts

The journal Pedagogika accepts for publication theoretical, historical, overview, methodological and research-based studies (articles) and also discussion contributions, analytical reports, examples of inspirational practice, reviews of academic publications and information about eminent pedagogical personalities.  The fundamental demand on these texts is originality.

Articles and discussion contributions must be accompanied by key words and an abstract (see special section) in English, a list of literature cited according to the norm APA, and where necessary a note apparatus.

Articles are always assessed by two referees, the review procedure is anonymous.

The length of contributions is limited as follows (including bibliography):

  • studies 15–30 standard pages (i.e. 27 000 – 45 000 characters including gaps); large attachments may be included in electronic version.
  • discussion contributions to a maximum of 10 standard pages (i.e. 18 000 characters including gaps),
  • reviews and personalities to a maximum of 5 standard pages (i.e. 9000 characters including gaps),
  • analytical reports to a maximum of 7 standard pages (i.e. 12 600 characters including spaces),
  • examples of inspirational practice to maximum of 7 standard pages (i.e. 12 600 characters including spaces),

If texts exceed the stated limits on lengths, the journal usually returns them to author for cuts.

Texts must be submitted accompanied by data about the author (name with all titles, workplace address, telephone, e-mail).

The following declaration must be appended under the text: “This text has not yet been published, it is an original text and is not currently being offered to other journals for publication.“” If the text has already been published or is prepared for publication in a different version, the author must indicate the extent of the similarity of the texts and clarify when and where the text has been published or is planned for publication.

Texts are accepted for consideration by the journal in electronic form with paragraphing, bold, cursive type and so forth.  Text editors working under Windows may be used, the most suitable is the Microsoft Word text editor, any version.

  • The text should be continuous in form, without justification (i.e. without standardised  straight right-hand edges to the text).  The key ENTER should only be used at the end of paragraphs.
  • Pictures (images) and tables should be inserted into the text, but picturesneed to be sent at the same time as separate documents (insertion in the text irreversibly qualitatively degrades pictures). Suitable formats (endings) of a pictorial document are jpg, tiff or psd in a resolution of ideally 300 dpi.
  • When creating graphsplease remember that we do not print in colour, and so choose colours that when transposed onto a scale of greys do not merge together.  It is best to save graphs in a black-and-white version.

The journal does not return or pay fees for unsolicited manuscripts.

Thank you for respecting these instructions, which help to make the review procedure more flexible and facilitate contact between the author and the editorial team.

If you have any questions please send them to the e-mail address of the editorial team: