Moral Education in Secondary Schools: What, how, and why?


  • Tomáš Hejduk



secondary school, moral education, virtue ethics, the idea of the university


Abstract: The paper argues for a philosophical approach to the teaching of moral education in secondary schools. Because students at this level are already capable of conceptual thinking, but are still at a formative stage, teachers can encourage them in their autonomous thought and life orientation through reference to meta-ethical authorities. In terms of these authorities, students may be led to fi nd that there is something (beauty, truth, goodness) other than the ordinary, narrow concerns of everyday life. At the same time, truth or beauty should be unveiled in everyday life; ordinary matters such as language must be revealed as moral concerns, and be liberated from vulgarity. For this to provide a suffi cient experience of things beautiful and good, I argue, the ethos of moral education at secondary schools should reflect the ethos of the university. I also argue that we need this kind of education to counterbalance the expanding informational and consumer character of our society, and to give meaning to the life of every participating individual. Finally, I warn against doctrinal simplifi cation, specifically, the misuse of the liberal spirit of the university and moral education (using the example of the Czech National School Curriculum).

Keywords: secondary school; moral education; virtue ethics; the idea of the university


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